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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean (7.6/10)

To read the official full length review follow the link here: LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean

Let's get the obvious out of the way, shall we? LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is, in fact, another LEGO game. Shocking I know, but there it is. How you react to this profound statement will serve as a fair prediction of how much you'll enjoy yourself. If, like me, you love these games; their intrinsic humor and surprisingly deep level design, then you'll be quite pleased that another deserving franchise has been given the LEGO make over. On the other hand, if you've just rolled your eyes (and let's be fair, there are quite a few out there who would say enough is enough) then it's safe to say that you'll find more a chore than anything else. There isn't much new here is what I'm getting at, but if you're okay with more of the same, then it's certainly worth the price of admission... unlike the fourth movie in the franchise.

If you want to read more of my specific thoughts about the game, follow the link to read the full length review at Game Over Online!


Score = 7.6 / 10

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